Monday, January 25, 2010

__full time midgets.

I just deleted five contacts off my messenger. most of whom were my fragile tie (so to speak) to something I thought was "home."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

in the memory of a place

There are love affairs like this; they thrive on absence and distance. As long as one is elsewhere, one can curse the separation and sincerely believe that one need only to get together again to be happy. Once the couple is together, the scales falls from one's eyes. Distance preserves love, abolish distance and you run the risk of abolishing love.

Origins: A Memoir (Amin Maalouf)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well, it's complicated.

I have a confession to make: I love this expression.

It's a state, that is located somewhere in my cerebral hemisphere, between "it's none of your business" county and "sideways" town. I never mention it to anybody, rarely visited. Nonetheless, it's a delight.

For the past couple of months, my brain was occupied. Things I used to do just to keep my self busy, are now haunted with the things I'm running off from. How do you get you mind off something? I can't seem to master that.

The movie was kinda good. Alec Baldwin is chubby and lovable, SO lovable.

guilty plea.

sometimes you act like a total kid, a complete idiot.
I'm the kid and I'm the idiot, where do I stand now?

Saturday, January 2, 2010