Sunday, June 28, 2009

meet me in montauk.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"

a girl in a stripped red jumpsuite with a hoodie once told me that, if you liked this movie then you're not anyone. you're unique. well, maybe. and maybe this applys to a lot of other movies, but this is our grey territory. to prove this theory, we're starting a fanlisting.


1. never type the word "nice" here.
2. must believe in liars.
3. must at least know one french word, says mr. Gondry.
4. have to be a believer in the free will of acting stupid.
5. must have been to a bookstore.


1. your name.
2. place of exsistance.
3. favorite scene.
4. you're a Clementine or a Joel.
5. you liked the movie because.

spread the joy!


Worm said...

All rules do apply to me @@

1. April.
2. Montauk.
3. the last lines
Joel: I don't see anything I don't like about you.
Clementine: But you will! But you will, and I'll get bored with you and feel trapped, because that's what happens with me.
Joel: Okay.
[last lines]
Clementine: Okay.
Joel: Okay.
and it just strikes you… no matter how many times you watch this scene, it still does.
4. I like the movie because it's real and fun and crazy and all those elements which normal people couldn't relate to. You know I've come to realize that anyone could watch Eternal but not easily they would relate to it.

à bientôt (This is my French word btw)

Raisa said...

1. Raisa

2. UAE

3. favorite scene? the final closing scene, after they agree to let things be, and then where they sort of fade out running on beach all snowing, and that track playing "change you're heart look around you.."

4. am definately a Joel, am not as tough as Clementine, Joel was a softie and i happen to be one

5. well, to begin with it's a Kate Winslet movie, and am in love with this woman, she's brilliant. also, a Gondry movie, he gives movies this personal sense you don't feel in most movies, and that how it worked in ESOTSM, a beautiful, colorful, warm movie.


FooFii said...

come visit my blog <3 ..
a writing a story <33 i would love to see your comment

Mohammad said...

It's my favorite movie so I might as well participate!

1. Mohammad
2. Egypt
3. It's hard to pinpoint that, but I'd say the one u have here, the one where they're lying on their backs under the starry sky.
4. Definitely a Joel!
5. Because it touched me deep in places I never knew existed! because the emotions are so real I wanna live it one day. Because such a brilliant story and scenario has never been written!

Farfalla said...

1. Hayfa.
2. Saudi Arabia.
3. ok its the scene that touched me deeply, when mary finds out that she went under the procedure and was in love with dr. howard.
4.joel . . poor me
5. the magical reality first . memories issue , and last kate winslet ..