Wednesday, March 25, 2009

(to do)

let's buy milk,
take the 06:07 am bus,
kill the driver,
and keep going,
until we find a place we call home.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Whole Blah Damn Thing.

"Life is just blah, blah, blah. You hope for blah. And sometimes you find it. But mostly it is blah. And waiting for blah. And hoping you are right about the blah's you made and then just when you think you have the whole blah damned thing figured out and you are surrounded by the ones you blah death shows up. And blah blah blah."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

it's about time!

Los Abrazos Rotos ( broken embracess )
a Pedro Almodovar film
Penelope Cruz, and a bunch of other españoles actors

can't wait to see this one, can't wait.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


an enclosed collection of letters, and garbage.

in a small square,
filled with clouds,
and rain,
stacks of dreams
jump my face.

time has stopped,
it's illegal to talk
at this hour,
and soon enough,
I'll be looking for you
behind the sun.

11:35 am.
empty waiting room,
annoying copy machines,
he's in a meeting
'til the sun goes down.

crossed legs,
swallen toe,
a chock'd up smile
and a coffee to go.

i had tea for breakfast
a dream for lunch
and a lie for supper
i never woke up.

Dan Humphry.

set alarm:
'2 years from now'