Wednesday, March 25, 2009

(to do)

let's buy milk,
take the 06:07 am bus,
kill the driver,
and keep going,
until we find a place we call home.


Ahmed said...

Nothing is like home <3

Candy said...

LOL,home is our warm sanctuary :D

Candy said...

Ya i forgot 2 ask u:the book ur reading currently seems interesting!!! what's talkin about??

F said...

LOL @ kill the driver, it's my life story every single day

Raisa said...

F sorry about that, plus, who needs him?

Candy sorry I wasn't exactly home this whole weekend,

the book, umm's not interesting, it's about RUNINNG, when i snagged it off from the book store i was thinking more of running of something or to something, but it was just about rnning,

am still reading it though, you can give it a try, the language is very simple, and it's like he's writing an autobiography

A7med Amen :)

Jester said...

How about ...

Keep the driver
Take the milk
Buy the 06:07am bus
and kill a place we call home
until we keep going..

same ending?

Raisa said...

so you're smart? i don't get along very well with these people c:

and yes, that could work too if you choped off the driver's head

Mohammad said...

u're crazy! and I really like it! I have never seen such variety in one blog before!