Tuesday, March 18, 2008

p r i v a t e: stand closer to me,

no, ..and yes !

it's a stupid thing to just think about thinking about,
still, a delicious sensation, which I'd love to have every single second

I might never across your stiff brain and that thick skull
but you -unfortunately- did cross mine !

I would love to seek your body language ..
know your commas, your paragraphs,
and mark your gramatical mistakes..

I will hate you eventually ..but you wouldn't know,
this aint poetry .. really, ..lines, sentences, a language,
just using it to mark you as someone of mine,
sad stories are unhealthy, but I think I'm an addict ..an idiot for sure,

and, whomever you are ...I'm not talking about you, or to you,



Abdillas said...

i clicked on "spain" and found your blog. i find your writing and few photos incredible. it was refeshing.

Raisa said...

thank you ,and yes am obssesed with Spain :) ..really, thanks for dropping by