according to the 12-years old raisa, the whatever that was suppose to happen when am 24 doesn't feel like happening !
we do have 'the' greatest expectations for ourselves, which is sometime is sad, and yes natural I believe.
I don't want just to live, brethe, not tryin' to sound deep, but I feel this is the right time to make something out of my life. UH, too frustrating !
We might be whatever people think, we might be more or even less, but we still think ordinary is dull, it's ordinary, ordinary! We want more, I know I do, and am not an optimistic person, but there's this beautiful thing in life called 'Hope' and I do believe damn it!
anyways, I guess am ok,
it's 11:20 pm, it's monday, my ex-favorite day of the week
the most important thing in life is the ''hope'' it gives the power o t36eena nthra 7elwa for life ..
live ur life the way u like and its will be perfect enshalah ..
I know, believe me
but sometimes reality is just unbearable that's all..
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