Monday, April 13, 2009

#1 (1o things I hate about Raisa.)

for your information, I dug deep.

  1. my precocious negativity. like a safety net.
  2. lack of confidence. i honestly don't know where did i got from, too much estrogen?
  3. the angry me. i wouldn't want to be around myself at that state :/
  4. my random stupidity. ..umm
  5. my mood. #! @$%^&*()
  6. stubborness. i always can strach it, no matter how long you'd go. completely hate it!
  7. hesitancy. yes, no, ..yes again!
  8. my outstanding math skills. it'll blow your mind away :D
  9. my short term memory system. always forgets, always!
  10. over-doing things that aren't worth it. over think, over analyze, ..over everything!
I don't think I'll ever change, I tried god knows, but sometimes,
somethings are just stuck with you

and screw it, I love myself :D


Candy said...

nice list,we share this in commom;
my short term memory system. always forgets, always!

wallah u hv no clue how memory system is workin! i tend 2 forget a lot of things,which coz me a lot of serious problems @@!

my sister would swear that where the hell i 've lost my memory from an early age =D
etgool sho bagaity 7ag ayam el shay5o5a =D

Jester said...

At least five of these makes me like Raisa more..

Can't wait for the skateboarding post

not the flying dutchman :P said...

Do you hit people ..?

F said...

except for the math skills and the skateboarding I share almost everything..
i hate mood swings, my negativity and the stupid mouth blurts :S

Maitha* said...

Sounds like youre just another normal woman :p we all suffer from such bad behaviour/skills/attitude