Tuesday, December 30, 2008
and nothin' else matters, happy new year!
Monday, December 15, 2008
~ Memoria de mis putas tristes
his writings can't be described but beautiful, my favorite is 'love in the time of cholera'
good read.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
great expectations, ...yea right !
we do have 'the' greatest expectations for ourselves, which is sometime is sad, and yes natural I believe.
I don't want just to live, brethe, not tryin' to sound deep, but I feel this is the right time to make something out of my life. UH, too frustrating !
We might be whatever people think, we might be more or even less, but we still think ordinary is dull, it's ordinary, ordinary! We want more, I know I do, and am not an optimistic person, but there's this beautiful thing in life called 'Hope' and I do believe damn it!
anyways, I guess am ok,
it's 11:20 pm, it's monday, my ex-favorite day of the week
pumpkin, if one day
you went through these pages
of this sole book
blessed by every letter n' comma
that was once written about you
you were none, till I came
gave you the world
and turned your dust
into gold
Friday, September 12, 2008
it's friday, o2:18 pm
Friday, September 5, 2008
the BLAH !
today is the 5th Sept. not a special day I know, I think I came to know some people a lil more. Not an exciting thing but I understood their stupid attitude :)
con, consortium, I know in spanish y latin 'con' means together, the rest is related I guess !
family can be be real pain if they wanted to, out of helping you and thinking what is best for you in life and all, which maybe true if they just gave you the choice to decide, pfff.. they don't !
ever heard of the AP five cards? ..better, they're suppose to boost the 'writer' or storyteller in you, they're suppose to be short, vivide, and represent pieces of you, or something.
I just finishe a huge cup of Joe's cousin, cappuccino that is ! that's equal to a hug for me, which reminds me, I have'nt had a hug in a while now, yea it's pretty stupid ..yo se :) !
11:03 pm
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Yesterday, June 19, o8
Wembeldon tournament is still on, I was going through the newspaper, and there was his article about Murray, Inglaterra's last hope ! ..no mention of Nadal, however he's making his was to kick some you know whom ass ; )
this on I took from the backyard door .. if you there you'd feel the whole yellow sky! Really weird
but it was beautiful, yea .. there was this wedding the same day, yesterday I mean ..
Monday, June 2, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
كيف تصنع حلماً ؟
كان غابرييل غارسيا بيرنال السبب الأول و الرئيسي في اختياري للفلم, قد يكون كون الفلم أوروبياً سبب آخر .. و قد يكون البوستر كذلك عاملاً لا يستهان به
ستيفان ينتقل للعيش مع أمه الفرنسية بعد وفاة والده المكسيكي, يعود ليعيش في غرفته التي عاش فيها عندما كان طفلاً و يضطر فيما بعد للعمل في شركة صغيرة و هو عمل وجدته له أمه, لإنتاج التقويمات السنويه "الرخيصه" .. و من أول يوم عمل له يبدي ستيفان عدم رضاه
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
shimmering white
I hate that class, but I do like him !
I think you look pretty in white
and sandals looks flatty good on you
sorry I didn't like you that much,
but I guess your a good person even if you didn't smile back
I have to go.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
blues, and yellows
Monday, April 14, 2008
..and Bon Voyage !
ok, ..so today I watched the final episode of Gilmore Girls, it was sad, you'd feel like cying the whole time, but you know it was right, the sho kept it the way it should be ..am really gonna miss 'em ! :"(
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
1 9 8 4
تدور أحداث الرواية في مدينة لندن التابعة لدولة "أوقيانيا" و التي يقترح الكاتب وجودها بعدما تنهار القوى المعاصرة و تتغير ملامح العالم لتتحول لثلاثة قوى تتصارع فيما بينها, كما يقترح وجود حزب حاكم بقيادة "الأخ الكبير" و الذي يمارس سياسة قمعية و دكتاتورية لأبعد الحدود
Monday, March 31, 2008
the Clouds of April //
last week was all midterms ..
so yesterday we got our grades back, I was disappointed, crushed, almost angry at myself
I didn't get all the grades just two of 'em, from the same prof. whom unfortunately I registered two translation courses
ok, am not a genius, but am not that bad either ... I know some girls who are not "it" and got waay much better grades than mine, you might think am full of myself, I am so not, but it feels so unfair, I actually almost cry, which is kinda creepy I don't cry, am not that sentimental
so as he was trying to put on the sad, not very satisfied with our grades face, the prof. said that he will give us more quizzes and assignments to make up for the lost points ... he missed up with some of the other girls' grades he had to go over them again, and added to his sorryz that he was correcting 'em 4 am, did ya read that ..4 am !! if you're unable to do simple math how would you be able to correct 3 full papers of translation texts !! ..?
that day broke my 3 years headache FREE record, I felt my head pounding with my heart's beats .. soo frustrating .. annoying feeling !
I still have two other grades to get, .. ان شا الله will do much better
and thanks for my good supporting system
I (heart) you !
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
..washed away !
good then, so I won't feel stupid, out professor today was talking something Malaysia
and he mentiond the PM ..and giving the fact that he loves showing off, he said he
would give extra marks, for those who know his name.. EXTRA!!
..I mean wt..?
I refuse to be there, am not an idiot
am gonna do alot of reading from now on, I'll try 'n see who's who
so look out ...smart people !
and BTW, ..it's "Abdullah Ahmad Badawi"
Friday, March 21, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
p r i v a t e: stand closer to me,
it's a stupid thing to just think about thinking about,
still, a delicious sensation, which I'd love to have every single second
I might never across your stiff brain and that thick skull
but you -unfortunately- did cross mine !
I would love to seek your body language ..
know your commas, your paragraphs,
and mark your gramatical mistakes..
I will hate you eventually ..but you wouldn't know,
this aint poetry .. really, ..lines, sentences, a language,
just using it to mark you as someone of mine,
sad stories are unhealthy, but I think I'm an addict ..an idiot for sure,
and, whomever you are ...I'm not talking about you, or to you,
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
أبي. صنفٌ من البَشَرِ ..
أبي. صنفٌ من البَشَرِ ..
مزيج من غباء التُرْكِ ..
من عصبيَّةِ التَتَرِ ..
أبي ..
أثرٌ من الآثارِ ..
تابوتٌ من الحجرِ
تهرَّأ كلُّ ما فيه ..
كبابِ كنيسةٍ نَخِرِ ..
كهارون الرشيدِ أبي ..
جواريه ،
مواليهِ ،
تمطّيهِ على تَخْتٍ من الطُرَرِ
ونحن هنا ..
سباياهُ ، ضحاياهُ
مماسحُ قصرهِ القذِرِ ..
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
va-va-voom !!
I wish I had a bigger heart, more patience, a mouth that can actually spell what I'm thinking fluentely, y SO CLEAR, ..hate dreamin 'n wishing!
god bless stupidity !
Saturday, January 26, 2008
ثرثر ..ات
عندما افكر بنفسي الآن و أنا في الـ 23 فإحساسي مغاير تماماً لنظرتي لما كنت سأكون عليه في هذا العمر عندما كنت لا ازال مراهقة أو حتى طفلة, أتمنى أن يكون وقع هذا الكلام مفهوماً لأنني لا أستطيع شرحه, دائماً ما كنت اتوقع أموراً لم تكن لتحصل إلا في بلاد العجائب!! أنا انسانة حالمة و ليس بالمعنى الذي قد يتبادر لذهنك, لا أرى انني أفكر بشكل منطقي أو واقعي. لدي شعور ملازم بأن كل شئ سيكون أفضل في الغد, في المستقبل, قد يسميه البعض تفاؤلاً لكني أجده أقرب للغباء منه لأي شيء آخر
Friday, January 4, 2008
"لو استطعنا أن نصف أنفسنا فما حاجاتنا لسوانا"
اسمي ريسه مواليد 1984. من دولة الإمارات
أعشق القراءة, الأدب بشكل خاصأستمتع بمشاهدة الأفلام و تصميم الجرافكس و الرسم و التصوير - في حالات خاصه
UAEU مع انقضاء هذا العام سيفرج عني بـ بكالاريوس ترجمه من الـ
أكره الوداع و الروتينيه. لا أتحمل الأغبياء و التقليدية في معظم الأشياء. لا أحب مزاجيتي و لا أستلطف المفاجآت أغلب الوقت ! و في الدراسه أكره ما علي شي
اسمه - حفظ