Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Leonard Cohen Live (Famous Blue Raincoat)

غداً ربما، أو بعد غد. سنجّر هذين الكرسيين و سنتبادل الإتهامات
قبل أن تشرق الشمس و تفقد الوجوه أسماءها

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I am often reminded of you.

Monday, December 21, 2009


sometimes i wish talking was a bundle of air, a swing, and a kiss
for those who hate breathing, swinging, and kissing
stop talking.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I want to make the cover of Vogue.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

singing in the rain.

I'm not much of a winter person, I hate the cold, and rain in my dictionary have always meant car accidents, (almost) falling off slippery surfaces, and a bunch of other unpleasent things. but I do love it when it all goes down to good weather, cloudy skies, and gentl__er rain.

for a good reason, Lebanese voices/songs seem to along rainy days. drizzles, nothing heavy. or else, we'll definitely need another playlist.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

أبو تمام

أنا في أقصى أقاصي الدنيا أفترش في غرفة هجرها أثاثها زاوية حادة أبى عند قدميّ أن ينبسط المبتدأ الذي ارتفع ما إن نطقت بـ كلمة: أريد

Saturday, December 5, 2009

people of feather.

إيمان هايل - افتح يا سمسم - صاحب الظل الطويل - كابتن ماجد - طرزان
الحصن, أيام الجمعة - السيدة ملعقة - حكايات عالمية
القمم العربية - حارة نسيها الزمن - نهاية رجل شجاع - مجلة ماجد
WWF الـ - ch33 - Qtv
محمد عبد الوهاب - طلال مدّاح
بنت ياسين - أبلة ناهد - أبلة سميكو - حصة الفن - حصة الرياضة - رفّوع
ميسم - مريم نجيب - هلّول - عمي مبارك - حلاوة البقر - سن كويك
حوش بيتنا - قطاوة حوشنا - الوارش - البحر مع أبوي
دكان بوبكر - بيت 171 - كيرم - طباشير - هرمونيكا

october, 1986

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


is a variety of hair shampoos/conditioners products, and some genuine comments about the size of your ass.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

لجعلك العالم مكاناً أبعد ما يكون عن الجحيم
لعرض و طول صَبرك. لكل تلك المساحات
لأذنيك. لتلك القوقعتين اللتان تفتقران للتوازن
لجعلك فيروز غير فيروز التي يعرفها الجميع
لحشر أنفك في خصوصياتي
لسذاجتلك. فأين كانت لتذهب نصائحي
و لتترد قهقهاتي لولاها
لذوقك السينمائي البسيط
للثقة العوراء
فنحن لم نثق يوماً بالعمياء
لمنحي شمساً
و ظلاً للمطر


Sunday, November 22, 2009

معجم صغير للكلمات غير المفهومه

:الوفاء و الخيانة

كان قد أحبها منذ الطفولة و حتى اللحظة التي رافقها فيها إلى القبر. و أحبّها أيضاً في ذكرياته. من هنا كان يستقي فكرة أن الوفاء هو فضيلة الفضائل. فالوفاء يجعل حياتنا متماسكة, و لولاه لكانت تبعثرت إلى آلاف الانطباعات العابرة

كان فرانز يحدّث سابينا مراراً عن والدته و ربما عن قصد, دون أن يعي ذلك: كان يقصد ربّما أن تغوي قدرته على الوفاء سابينا فيكون هذا وسيلة ليجعلها تتعلق به
و لكن, ما كان يغوي سابينا ليس الوفاء بل الخيانة. كانت كلمة "وفاء" تذكّرها بأبيها الذي كان رجلاً ريفياً متزمتاً, يرسم أيام الآحاد, من أجل متعته فقط, الشمس الغاربة فوق الغابات و باقات من الورود في إناء. بفضله, ابتدأت بالرسم و هي لم تزل صغيرة جداً. عندما بلغت سن الرابعة عشرة وقعت في حب صبي من مثل سنها. فذُعر أبوها و منعها من الخروج بمفردها لسنة كاملة. و في ذات يوم أرَته صوراً لبيكاسو فضحك بصوت عالٍ. و لكن, إذا كانت لا تملك الحق في أن تحب صبياً في مثل سنها, فلها الحق على الأقل أن تحب التكعيبية. ذهبت إلى براغ بعد حصولها على شهادة البكالوريا و هي مرتاحة لشعورها بأن بإمكانها أخيراً أن تخون منزلها
الخيانة. منذ طفولتنا و الوالد و معلم المدرسة يكرران على مسامعنا بأنها أفظع شيء في الوجود. و لكن ما معنى أن نخون؟ أن نخون هو أن نخرج عن الصف لنسير إلى المجهول. و سابينا لم تعرف ما هو أجمل من السير إلى المجهول
لكن إذا كنا نخون "ب" الذي خنَّا من أجله "أ" فهذا لا يعني أننا سنتصالح مع "أ" إن الخيانة الأولى لا يمكن إصلاحها و هي تثير عن طريق النتائج المتوالدة خيانات أخرى حيث تبعدنا كل واحدة منها أكثر فأكثر عن نقطة الخيانة الأولى

Milan Kundera "the unbearable lightness of being" (1984)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

friday's coffee breaks.

when you plan (it's a need i'd say) on watcing a romantic comedy, i bet you can predict what's coming. you recognize both the boy and the girl, you laugh at times 'cause it's funney, get frustraited about 20 miutes before the movie ends, because for some reason he didn't tell her something, or because she kissed a guy on the cheecks and he watched her from across the street ..or god knows what! and at the end, you just indulge in an euphoric sensation following a grand, happy ending.

.. No? well i think i was close.

watching "los lunes al sol" i couldn't really find a pattern. the whole movie follows the lives of four unemplyed, or rather four laid off workers. their disappointments in life, ther daily meetings in their friend's small bar,
at times i thought it was increadibly boaring, slow paced. but i was startled by the amount of reality, the characters were ferociously genuine, people can always find something to relate to in this film.
i've never heard of this movie, (have you?) let alone its title "mondays in the sun" their endless weekend. working, there's always the hope of something better. but when that is lost, these men lost their only way of delying everything. fears of abandon, death, lost dreams all came up.
i have to admit that, one of the reasons i watched this film was the always delightful javer bardem. if you needed another reason, then it's good cinema.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

معجم صغير للكلمات غير المفهومه

أن تكون "سابينا" امرأة فهذا وضع لم تختره بنفسها. و ما هو ليس ناتجاً عن اختيار لا يمكن اعتباره لا استحقاقاً و لا فشلاً. و سابينا تفكر أنه يفترض بنا, حيال وضع فرض علينا, أن نتصرف بطريقة مناسبة. كما و يبدو لها أيضاً أن احتجاجها على كونها امرأة أو الاعتزاز بذلك امران سخيفان بالقدر ذاته

قال فرانز في أحد لقاءاتهما الأولى و بنبرة مميزة: "سابينا, أنتِ امرأة." لم تفهم لماذا بشّرها بذلك على هذا النحو الاحتفالي و كأن كريستوف كولومبوس يبشر لتوّه باكتشاف أحد سواحل أمريكا. و لكنها فهمت فيما بعد أن كلمة "امرأة" التي تلفظها بفصاحة مميّزة لم تكن تعبّر بالنسبة " له عن صفة تميز أحد جنسي الصنف البشري, و إنما كانت تمثل "قيمة." إذ ليست كل النساء جديرات بأن يدعين "نساء

Milan Kundera - the unbarable lightness of being (1984)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

you can always ruin my day.

when is (ever) the right time to listen to Frank Sinatra? despite the fact that i am a morning person, i still can't get rid of these late (all day) yawnings.

i finally decided to get a pet, and i think she's dying.
am never sure when it's enough water. sometimes i'd flood her, sometimes a week would go by without a drop of water.

so your lead to the local color
serving coffee with a cruller
dunking doesnt take a lot of skill
they've got an awful lot of coffee in brazil

Sunday, September 6, 2009


(محمود درويش)
* nicolas messyasz

Thursday, August 20, 2009

mystery dresses.

it's been ten years now since Anna Scot, met William Thacker. ten years since i have been a fan of she. ten years since i had the pleasure of meeting Spike. ten years sincei heard someone say they never heard someone say "Whoopsidaisies." ten years.

and someone actually uploaded the whole movie on youtube, wow.

Monday, August 17, 2009

planet them

it's sad how people you know become people you knew ( sometimes.)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

(مرة أخرى)

أوه حبيبي بيبي, أوه حبيبي بيبي

أوه حبيبي بيبي, كيف لي أن أعرف
أن هناك خطب ما
أوه حبيبي بيبي, ما كان يجب أن أتركك
و أنت الآن بعيد عن ناظري
أرني كيف تريدنا أن نكون
أخبرني بيبي أريد أن أعرف لأن

- الكورس -
(وحدتي تقتلني)
و أناأوّد الاعتراف بأنني لا أزال أؤمن
( لا أزال )
أجّن, عندما لا أكون معك
أريد تلميحاً, اصفعني بيبي مرة أخرى
أوه حبيبي بيبي, أنت وراء كل نفسٍ آخذه
لقد أعميتني
أوه بيبي الجميل, لم يُبتكر شي لن أفعله
لم يكن هذا ما خططت له

أرني كيف تريدنا أن نكون
أخبرني بيبي أريد أن أعرف لأن

- الكورس -
أوه حبيبي بيبي, كيف لي أن أعرف
أوه يا بيبي الجميل, ما كان يجب أن أتركك
يجب أن أعترف بأن وحدتي
تقتلني الآن
ألا تعرف بأنني لا أزال أؤمن
بأنك ستكون هناو ستعطيني تلميحاً ما, اصفعني بيبي مرة أخرى

- الكورس -
يجب أن أعترف
( بأن وحدتي )
وحدتي( تقتلني )تقتلني الآن
(يجب أن أعترف)
ألا تعلم
( بأنني لا أزال أؤمن )
بأنني لا أزال أؤمن
بأنك ستكون هنا
( سأجن )
و ستعطيني تلميحاً
! اصفعني بيبي مرة أخرى
*a disclaimer
not to sound any serious but,
this my arabic version of Britney Spears's "one more time"
now, "hit me" can mean a lotta of things
i thought i'd stick to an original hit me in arabic
and please, don't take this seriously
it's out of pure boredom, and to be honest
i kinda miss translation, so i thought this would be fun
and it was :)

Friday, July 31, 2009


my sister insists that there's nothing to do but watch tv through the night, as am bored out of my brain .. on my back ..blogging nonsense ..my brain going blank, and i mean literarlly.

"يعني انتي حتأضيها نزري"
says one of the girlfriends' to the leading actress in the movie my sister's watching, sad. actually reminds me, did you watch that julia roberts movie "pretty woman"? yes? well, i think there's an egyptian version, and when i say version, i mean it, same every single thing, copy paste, it was weird-fun to watch actually.

more tv, or out to nowhere?

last week we went out and watched "public enemies" ..sorry, but watching jonhnny depp getting peacefuly shot by christian bale wasn't that mesmorizing :/ you get that sense, the he's gonna die eventually feeling, but still you know..

buenas noches.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Radiohead - No Surprises

there comes a moment in every woman's life, where she realises that acting stupid is totally oukaai and that justin timberlake is just not that hot anymore

cheers to that.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


i just got out of a very abusive relationship, myself was the bad guy. it was heavy, ugly, and almost unbarable. throughout my four years of school i owned only two mobile phones, both were Nokia, people suggested that i should try other brands but i was sticked with Nokia. needless to say, my ex-Nokia is resting in peace, it just had to be pulled out of service.

i have to admit that am not exactly a phone person, 40 minutes is still my world record for the longest call i ever made, i'm not obsessed with SMSing, and by the time i started getting messeges that began with "سألت الروح.." i started telling people my phone doesn't read arabic, or reply "ana mob rylech!" as in am not your hubby, it's good to be remembered but i really hate these, honestly prefer when a person send me mere, spontanous things

back to LG, and that's for life is good? :/ rebounds are suppose to be just for the time being, never dwell, just use and trash. well, i got this one because i haven't, at that time, made up my mind about what phone to buy, so i got this one, a temp. and if you're wondering that's Benicio Del Toro as Che Guevara, loveable! about the only thing i like about it.
i call and 1o seconds later discover that the person on the other line is waiting for my "hello!" and vice versa, camera is crap, alarm clock is crap, it's a long shot but it might actually work as a music player, sometimes i delete something and find it there next time. did i mention the camera is crap?

iPhones are ridicilous and very breakable, BlueBerrys are blocks big to be called "phones," and Vertu is out of the question, am asking bcause i need a new phone in the first place, and preferably a phone plus something, like a phone with a really awesome camera 6 mega pixels or more, or a phone that is more a music player that a regular phone. any help is appreciated.

Friday, July 3, 2009

i just realized:

  • life is too short
  • things will always take the U-turn, and am a bad driver
  • it's easy to hate
  • for the first time in history, a movie will surpass the novel, the time traveler's wife wasn't that wonky after all
  • i need a good read?
  • i love and feel sorry for my cousin
  • ipods are awesome
  • i really look good in whites and reds
  • i miss Shakira
  • really miss Mai Hassan Ma6ar :)
  • time is always a relevant concept
  • i can do better

Sunday, June 28, 2009

meet me in montauk.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"

a girl in a stripped red jumpsuite with a hoodie once told me that, if you liked this movie then you're not anyone. you're unique. well, maybe. and maybe this applys to a lot of other movies, but this is our grey territory. to prove this theory, we're starting a fanlisting.


1. never type the word "nice" here.
2. must believe in liars.
3. must at least know one french word, says mr. Gondry.
4. have to be a believer in the free will of acting stupid.
5. must have been to a bookstore.


1. your name.
2. place of exsistance.
3. favorite scene.
4. you're a Clementine or a Joel.
5. you liked the movie because.

spread the joy!

Monday, June 22, 2009

lovers, liars and theives

been tagged by the lovely candy, so there you go :)
umm ..i just had two big sized cups of coffee, so this might taste a little too caffeinated

8 things i'm looking forward to:
1. taking some time off this summer
2. seeing my neice again
3. Wimbledon's final, it's becoming a national day, Nadal-less though :/
4. redecorate my room
5. buying a Mac
6. turning 26
7. my Dolly's graduation
8. ...

8 things i wish i could do:
is it okay to go crazy?
1. fly
2. talk
3. sleep
4. form a rock band
5. move to San Francisco or Dubai :/
6. buy an island
7. speak fluent french
8. have a baby elephant as a pet

8 things i love:
this is very general, skipping the usuals, i love
1. my afternoon reading time
2. cappucino
3. strolls
4. shopping
5. my laptop
6. high heels
7. colors
8. Barcelona, if a city should be loved it has to be Barcelona

8 things i did yesterday:
not exactly yesterday, but the yesterday of a couple of days ago
1. read
2. thought about bakeing something, didn't though
3. went out for a midnight walk with my sister
4. oiled my hair :/
5. watched tropic thunder for no good reason
6. downloaded a spanish language course
7. had coffee with dad
8. got disapointed

8 shows i watch:
i watch a lot of things, so these should make the list since i watch 'em regularly
1. Weeds
2. the Office
3. Grey's anatomy, and to be honest i hate it, and yet i feel compeled to watching :/
4. Dexter
5. Seinfield, on reruns :)
6. ...
7. ...
8. ...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Interior of a house.

now the trouble with you and me, my friend
is the trouble with the nation
too many blessings, too little appreciation
and i know that kind of notion -well, it's just ain't cool
so send me back to sunday school
because i'm tired of waiting for reason to arrive
it's too long we've been living
these unexamined lives

Don Henley - my thanksgiving

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

so how does it feels?

and never mind me, am just bookmarking :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

exit music.

02:00:02,880 --> 02:00:04,472
Does it hurt when you walk?

02:00:12,640 --> 02:00:14,073
Want to see what I'm doing?

02:00:26,840 --> 02:00:28,956
I'll show you later,when it's finished.

02:00:35,680 --> 02:00:36,999
But why are you crying?

02:00:42,600 --> 02:00:45,433
Mathilde leans backagainst her chair,

02:00:46,360 --> 02:00:49,796
folds her hands in her lapand looks at him.

02:00:50,480 --> 02:00:54,439
In the sweetness of the air,in the light of the garden,

02:00:55,120 --> 02:00:56,792
Mathilde looks at him.

02:00:57,560 --> 02:00:59,118
She looks at him...

02:00:59,600 --> 02:01:00,999
She looks at him...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

and we -flunked, ..again :D

how does the word "tie" sound now ..?
that was a hell of a freaky match, and yes, very "humiliating"
buenas noches :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

paint me a memory

علي الاعتراف بأن مزاجي و حتى وقتٍ قريب كان متقبِّلاً لنوعيه سخيفه
من الأفلام ..و الأحذية ..بل و حتى الأشخاص

قبل مشاهدتي لفيلم
the curious case of benjamin button
الذي انتظرني كثيراً أولاً في صالات العرض و ثانياً في ملف برنامج التورنت
كنت قد شاهدت الكثير عنه إما في التلفاز أو على أحد المواقع حتى أصبت بنوّع من التشبّع

أوّد شكر مشكلة الاتصال التي واجهتها من فترة قريبة, و التي لولا حدوثها ما كنت لأفكر بمشاهدة الفيلم
على الأقل حالياً

لمن شاهد أفلاماً كـ
fight club و أخرى كـ se7en 12أو حتى monkeys
سيفهم معنى الاعجاب بممثل يختار "بتلقائية" ربما, أفلاماً أقل ما يقال عنها أنها جيدة
و الحديث هنا عن براد بت

نعود للفيلم, بصراحه لم أقع في حبه لم أنبهر لم أتأثر كثيراً, لم أكن على حافة الكرسي
و للامانه لم أكن على أي كرسي لكن بكلمات أخرى,
لم يعجبني كثيراً

كل ما كان يجول في ذهني حين بدأت المشاهدة هو كيف يبدو شكل الشخصية الرئيسية
benjamin button
عندما كان طفلاًو كيف سيموت, أي بأي سن أو هل سيظل يعود به الزمن حتى يختفي أم .. أم .. و أم؟
و كل هذه تساؤلات "عبيطه" ربما لم يكن من المفروض وجودها في بادئ الأمر
لكن هذا ما جرى

كذلك لم أفهم سبب ذكر تلك القصة السخيفه عن السّاعاتي الذي
صنع ساعة عقاربها تعود للوراء, أملاً أن يعود ابنه للحياه بعد أن مات في الحرب
قد تكون السبب وراء كل هذه المعاناة رغم أني لم ألحظ وجود الرابط بين القصه و الأحداث

لكن و على الرغم من كل شيء
! تظل سخيفه

من الناحية الفنية كان جيداً
الاضاءة و اللقطات و المؤثرات الخاصة و الماكياج كلها كانت جيدة, لا اعتراض
الفكرة موجودة و أعني فكرة ماذا لو يعود الزمن بالإنسان للوراء, لكن مشكلة السيد
أن الزمن لم يتوقف عن العودة ليكمل حياته كإنسان طبيعي
بل أصبحت مرحلة الشباب هي النهايه

قد أكون قسوّت على الفيلم قليلاً لكن هذا ما رأيته و برأيي أن الممثلين فيه لا يستحقون أي ثناء كان, فقد كان الفيلم فارغاً
افتقد شيئاً ما, عنصراً مهماً, كوجوه خضعت لعمليات جراحية حتى فقدت انسانيتها
شعرت بأنني أشاهد فيلم خيال علمي لا يمت لي "كإنسانه" أي صلة

فيلم لن يظل في البال طويلاً


Saturday, April 25, 2009

shut up.

( Citizen Cope - Pablo Picasso ) - Live

do you wanna hear a lie? I think you're GREAT.

yesterday, on the way back home, i was sitting in the car's back seat, we stopped as it gone red, i looked from the window to the sidewalk and wished i was that guy in shorts and flip flops, big keshah, care free, holding nothing but a strawberry ice-cream, and an ipod with its headphones dangling to his knees. today, i was the guy in shorts and flip flops, i hated my keshah, my playlists and not finding a can to trash the ice-cream, and wished i was the reckless girl sitting in the back seat.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Your pencils are creating a health hazard. I could fall and pierce an organ.

get a fake tattoo. (April 15)
we used black henna and it actually worked,
i was thinking more like Angelina Jolie kind of tattos,
but turns out that it's not that easy :D
so i did the fernando torres's nine, on my left shoulder
a question,
is it suppose to be itchy? 'cause it is :/

cook something Mexican. (April 17)
it was friday, and i was in the mood,
so the first thing to do before you cook anything
is actually figuring out what to cook,

i spent about an hour, looking through mexican recipes,
and boy, do they love meat and chillies!

ok, finally chose, "enchilada"
umm ..it's like, really spicey rolls covered in sauce and cheese

really easy to make, and don't taste bad either
it came out somehing like this:

do a selfportrait. (April 19)

here's how it's done:
a) yank off, gently, a big mirror off the wall,
b) sit tight, and keep one expression on,
c) mess up the dimensions,
d) and you're done !

i did it on a proximately big board paper,
and i kind of messed it up,the eyes are displaced,
the face frame just looks wrong,
didn't quite like the outcome,
and i wouldve posted it except i didn't wanna scare people off :D
act happy for a whole day. (...)
i must've been drunk when i thought of this :/
not gonna happen.

visit the clinic. (April 16)
this one is related to somethings in my head,
i had access to ALOTTA of medical documents that
i started seeing things,
so i went there, got cancelled,
and you'd think you'll get the cancelation call, ..didn't happen.

Friday, April 17, 2009

#5 (tricycle)

ok, here's the thing
for someone who can't actually ride a bicycle, hates unstable grounds, and who's balance challanged,
skateboard isn't their best friend

the whole skate board "experience" was fun, i fell alot, and by alot, i mean every time i remember that am on a moving board, that i can't actually pull the breaks, that am falling no matter what,

anyways, i kept falling, ..falling and falling! now i can ride it without falling off which is quite an achievement,maybe next time we'll try the back flip q:

and it's ok to scream, laugh, and scream again!
one last thing, it's really fun once you get the hang of it,once you get the hang of it! :D

Monday, April 13, 2009

#1 (1o things I hate about Raisa.)

for your information, I dug deep.

  1. my precocious negativity. like a safety net.
  2. lack of confidence. i honestly don't know where did i got from, too much estrogen?
  3. the angry me. i wouldn't want to be around myself at that state :/
  4. my random stupidity. ..umm
  5. my mood. #! @$%^&*()
  6. stubborness. i always can strach it, no matter how long you'd go. completely hate it!
  7. hesitancy. yes, no, ..yes again!
  8. my outstanding math skills. it'll blow your mind away :D
  9. my short term memory system. always forgets, always!
  10. over-doing things that aren't worth it. over think, over analyze, ..over everything!
I don't think I'll ever change, I tried god knows, but sometimes,
somethings are just stuck with you

and screw it, I love myself :D

she made me do it !

ten things, eleven days.
sometimes you just need a push,
  1. write 1o things i hate about myself. (April 13)
  2. get a fake tatto.(April 15)
  3. cook something Mexican. (April 17)
  4. do a selfportrait.(April 19)
  5. skateboard, learn how to. (April 16)
  6. watch a foreign movie with no subtitle.
  7. act happy for a whole day.
  8. call her.
  9. spend a day out with my nephews.
  10. visit the clinic. (April 16)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

(to do)

let's buy milk,
take the 06:07 am bus,
kill the driver,
and keep going,
until we find a place we call home.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Whole Blah Damn Thing.

"Life is just blah, blah, blah. You hope for blah. And sometimes you find it. But mostly it is blah. And waiting for blah. And hoping you are right about the blah's you made and then just when you think you have the whole blah damned thing figured out and you are surrounded by the ones you blah death shows up. And blah blah blah."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

it's about time!

Los Abrazos Rotos ( broken embracess )
a Pedro Almodovar film
Penelope Cruz, and a bunch of other españoles actors

can't wait to see this one, can't wait.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


an enclosed collection of letters, and garbage.

in a small square,
filled with clouds,
and rain,
stacks of dreams
jump my face.

time has stopped,
it's illegal to talk
at this hour,
and soon enough,
I'll be looking for you
behind the sun.

11:35 am.
empty waiting room,
annoying copy machines,
he's in a meeting
'til the sun goes down.

crossed legs,
swallen toe,
a chock'd up smile
and a coffee to go.

i had tea for breakfast
a dream for lunch
and a lie for supper
i never woke up.

Dan Humphry.

set alarm:
'2 years from now'

Saturday, February 28, 2009

bags of tears. لمساءٍ آخر

"half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"lucha de gigantes" - Nacha Pop

1. Smile.
2. Play (the youtube version) or the more friendly version, (here).
3. notes: it's Spanish, translated version of the (original) lyrics follows. "lucha de gigantes" means: "giants' fight." Nacha Pop is an ancint Spanish pop band.
4. P.S. I miss that place.

a giants' joust
turns the air
into natural gas

a wild duel warns me

how close I am

of going into an noutrageous world
I feel my fragility

some nightmare
running away

with a beast after me

tell me everything's a lie

just a silly dreamand
nothing more

I'm afraid of enormity

where nobody hears my voice

stop the deception

don't try to hide

that you've never tripped
while moving around

paper monster

I don't know
who I'm up against

or is there
somebody else here?

I believe in the terrible ghosts

of some strange place

and in my foolishness to make you
burst into laughter

In an outrageous world
I feel your fragility

stop the deception

don't try to hide
that you've never
while moving around

Paper monster

I don' tknow

who I'm up against

lets leave pain behind.

Monday, February 23, 2009

if I were a boy: (I would)

1 . pack and leave (this) black hole, even if temporarily.
2 . get my own place.
3 . be a (legitement) ass.
4 . stop listening.
5 . make mistakes.
6 . eat.
7 . wear pink.
8 . chase after girls.
9 . shave off my head, just for fun.
1o . not read this list !

Sunday, February 22, 2009

120 lbs.

I've been tagged by the lovely Candy, so here it is, and gracias btw, :)

Favorite color: black,white, turquoise, and red
Favorite getaway place: an island with someone to cook me and a mute masseuse :/ ..ok, it's definitely the beach
Favorite perfume (guys):
Favorite perfume (girls): CK's euphoria, Rock 'n Rose
Favorite pj brand: aaa.. I dunno ..?
Favorite clothes brand in general: Stradivarius, Bershka, y Zara
Favorite person in the entire world: tricky, hmm.. am keeping it to myself :)
Favorite country (not including your own): Cuba <3..
Favorite car: OH, the RR's phantom, and no I don't own one, I just love the way it looks :*
Favorite sport: reading? ..I do walking from time to time if it counts, and am not fat!
Favorite sport player: Zidane, Nadal
Favorite spot in Kuwait: unfortunately, I've never been there
Favorite animal: baby elephant, too cute!
Favorite movie: no, this one is "unanswerable" :)
Favorite singer: that's a combination of many, none to be specific
Favorite day in the week: Friday
Favorite time of the day: early mornings, late at night
Favorite holiday season: summer, summer, and summer :D
Favorite number: 13, 9
Favorite food: hmm, salty creamy stuff, salads, and soups :/
Favorite chocolate: ..Patchi's dark chocolate?
Favorite cartoon: that Judie Abbot's, My Daddy Long Legs
Favorite blogger: not faire,
Favorite Flavour Ice Cream: oukaai, am not a big fan of ice creams, but I'd say the regular choclate ice cream

Rules: So how this works is you guys add a new favorite to the list and pass it on to 10 to 15 people.

aye, ya, ya! 10 to 15, ..ok if you read this you've been tagged!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

blueberry fields

I woke up that day gravity challenged,
trying to fight the heaviness of my eyelids,
finally my eyes were partially open.

"Total Moisture.."
an upside down bottle of body lotion was on the dresser,
right in front of my sight, I kept blinking..
and reading the meaningless lines on the bottle.

ten minutes later, my brain started to engine,
I had to get out of my warm bed. and I did, successfully.

it was a freezing morning,
and my room looked blue, it needed more light,
I headed to the window feeling the cold attacking every angle of my being,
my fingers started to feel more and more rigidy,
I tried to pull, but the curtains refused to spread open,
as if they were holding each other.

I didn't have the heart to shred them apart
so I moved them together to the other side.

it was 11:13 am, my brain kept squealing for caffeine,
my brain gave my mouth an order to unseal, and I stared calling our maid:
"katty, ..katty, ..KATTY!"
"yes ma'am?"
"my coffee, please" ..remembering,
"don't add any sugar Katty!"
"ok ma'aam"
and there, my beloved coffee started to boil.

as I locked the door,
and started to yawn, accompanied by my hands' stretching,
I turned the other side of the room,
and a huge paper on the television screen interrupted my daily ritual.

I slithered closer, it read:
"dear, don't remove the blue bandage around your neck, I'll be home soon"
the writing was barely readable. it was mom's.

reading the note, my hands unconsciously started tracing the bandage,
and it was really there.

passing by the dresser, I straighten up the lotion bottle and looked at my neck.
I had no memory of wearing it, but I remember yesterday, it was sunshine peaceful.

brushed my teeth. washed my face, and just couldn't stop thinking about that blue bandage. what could have happened? my brain was having a terrible time coming up with suitable scenarios, none of which seemed realistic enough. it was almost 12, mom is not home yet and I needed a shower.

everything was set, I pulled my hair up, and started to unwrap the bandage.
it was tighter than it looked.

the bandage was off, and as I looked closer into the mirror, ..
there was a fine red line around my neck, it was getting more and more visible,
a small stream of blood started going down my neck,
a second later,
my head fell into the sink and my body collapsed on the floor.

leading me to a one and only conclusion,
"I was murdered."

my two, and final concerns were,
the unknown fate of my well-deserved cup of coffee. and myself, laying there naked.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

because I care.

( منشورات فدائيّة على جُدران إسرائيل )
لن تجعلوا من شعبنا شعبَ هنودٍ حُمرْ
فنحنُ باقونَ هنا
في هذه الأرضِ التي تلبسُ في معصمها
إسوارةً من زهرْ فهذهِ بلادُنا
فيها وُجدنا منذُ فجرِ العُمرْ
فيها لعبنا، وعشقنا، وكتبنا الشعرْ
مشرِّشونَ نحنُ في خُلجانها
مثلَ حشيشِ البحرْ
مشرِّشونَ نحنُ في تاريخها
في خُبزها المرقوقِ، في زيتونِها
في قمحِها المُصفرّْ
مشرِّشونَ نحنُ في وجدانِها
باقونَ في آذارها باقونَ في نيسانِها
باقونَ كالحفرِ على صُلبانِها
باقونَ في نبيّها الكريمِ، في قُرآنها
وفي الوصايا العشرْ
Nizar Qbani

Friday, January 16, 2009

*****, doesn't cut it anymore

title: c'est la vie
description: worn out, feeling beyond repair, and nothing is good enough
format: flv. (youtube)
disclaimer: you have the freedom of choice either to play 'em or not - foto by (hpa.com)
warning: not recomended to those in good mental state

o1. Coldplay - "fix you" (clicky) when you try your best, but you don't succeed, when you get what you want, but not what you need, when you feel so tired, but you can't sleep, stuck in reverse

o2. Alejandro Sanz - "he sido tan feliz contigo" (clicky) a veces sueña con tu alegria mi melodía, a veces sueño del aire que nos caemos, qué es lo que iba a decirte yo ...

o3. the cardigans - "feathers and down" (clicky) so you trying to do what they did, your friends that turn to liquid, and got lost in the sea, and now you’re drowning me, with your talk of four leaf clovers, you turn to rocks and omen, to beat the ambient harm, but it’s bruising your karma

o4. margot & the nuclear so and so's - "quiet as a mouse" (clicky) tourists rob you of your home, in sunken boats, and you can hide quiet as a mouse, but they'll find you out and she aked me what have you felt, so down and out, you can stay with me at my house

o5. elliott smith - "can't make a sound" (clicky) you're never gonna understand what you're seeing, but later you'll pretend you can and you'll mean it, you might think it's all in your head but you're not certain anymore

o6. snow patrol - "somewhere a clock is ticking" (clicky) i've got this feeling that there's something that i missed, don't you breathe, don't you breathe. something happened that i never understood, you can't leave, you can't leave

o7. we are scientists - "lethal enforcer" (clicky) i promise this is not a test, it's just i want you to be sure. it all comes back to common sense, i guess that's what you're looking for. i'll have to ask you to speak up so we're sure that we're all perfectly clear on what we're ignoring

o8. portishead - "over" (clicky) I can't hold this day, anymore, understand me, anymore, to tread this fantasy, openly, what have I done, oh this uncertainty, is taking me over, I can't mould this stage, anymore

o9. Fairuz - "da3o mina" ( clicky ) ضاعوا منّا, ليالي هنا حلوين, وغناني حليانين, وكانوا عالدني تلاحين, ولا عاد يذكرنا, ونشرد ورا الألوان, وتزورنا الألحان, وتسأل عالهوا اللي كان

Monday, January 12, 2009

( you saved my life in Korea )

aside from the gay picture, and the irrelevant title, never mind where this am about to say come from .. umm, here it goes ..I used to be 'friends' with my sister, we shared so many things, materially and spiritually wise, now I feel like we're strangers, sometimes and not always, I feel like I have to agree with her just not to argue, she's into some stupid, dumb, dumb things, and it's ok but it feels like these stupid things are all there is, I remember telling her that I felt she was a complete "تافهه " and she went like "yes I know I am" and with that look on her face, she wasn't like umm.. messing around, I was just disappointed to say the least, at how everything tuned out,

would it be sad to miss that naive girl? 'cause I sort of do sometimes, I miss my lil stupid pigeon, but I think people change at some point, am not the same person I used to be back in high school, it still me but not wholy me, and neither she is, am just tiered of fetching her everywhere, I know she's been through some crappy friendships, disappointments, but that's not an excuse or a reason, ya hearing me pigeon.. it ..is ..NOT! :/

I hope she doesn't find her way here :p but if you did, I do love you and you know I'd adopt you if I had to, and my door is always open if you needed to knock, well ..as well as my closet if you felt like stealing anything ;) .. am still mad at the world for this, but the world can vete al infierno!

I can get myself together pretty easily, am good at lying telling myself everything's gonna be "ok," whatever this ok is, it's not optimisticism but rather peacefulness ..maybe, anyways ..that's enough for today :)

Tuesday, 3:03 am
Jan 13, 09

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

seven days of January.

(clic to enlarge )

I drew this one based on a Picasso piece,
enjoy the 24 days left of January :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

for a minute.

Regálame la silla, cansada de la esquina
Donde te esperé, donde siempre te esperaba, amor

Monday, January 5, 2009

let's spend the day in bed,

it's a time where you want to escape everything around, sometimes escaping with someone,
usually alone, lights off, and you're in Paris, ..Barcelona, or somewhere else for a couple of hours,
and then, you come back :)

here's some movies I've watched recently,

The Savages
this is one is a year old, I heard so much about it but finally watched it recently, torrent related issues :p

anyways, it's about a middle aged woman played by Laura Lenny, whom was awsome! if I may add :) and her profssor brother who lives somewhere on the other side of the american coast ..or whatever the term is, their father loses his girlfriend of 20 years and they're in their late 70's, and ends up being kick'd out an eldery society/home because of his behavior, anyways ..the movie will take you through their strugle choosing a home for their dying any day father, .. the father n' son relationship, their sister brother relationships, and that sort of things

I enjoy'd the movie tbh, it was real, human, blue, and reeeally depressing, but again it was good, and I'd definately recommend it

this one I watched at the theatre, I went there with a couple of my sisters at the Marina mall, we met a friend at a café, ..fuelled up with caffien, chatt'd, then we headed to the theatre and settled down, it was about 3:30 pm and ..dadum, the movie started!

it's a story about this British lady Nicole Kidman, who went after her husband, well ..to get him back to England, but he 'surprisingly' gets murdered as she lands on Australia, and I gotta say her lips look'd a bit bigger than the last time I saw her, ok back to the movie ..she take over her husband's farm trying to save it, then meets this, umm ..man Hugh Jackman and yes she falls for him, they go places, things happens, and then a happy ending! ..hope I didn't ruin it for ya :

ok, now for me it wasn't my kind of movies, it was sort of fun to watch, funny at times, but it wasn't the movie that will stay in mind, it was very predictiple, I thought that they sort of epic'd everything about it, I mean the music was very eppicy, when a car was moving away they'd play this ear-dropping sad music and so on, seriously WHY?

I'd say watch it if you didn't have any other choice, however, there's a big chance you might like it, so it's your call, ..oh did I mention it was about 3 hours? :/

Things We Lost in the Fire

We lost a lot. And I remember, I...
I went to him and I said, you know,"How can you be so calm?"
And he said, "Hey, you know,those are just things, Audrey.
"Those are just the stuff.That's just stuff.
"We still have each other."

another depressing movie, and you'd expect a lot like this conversation

about this family, Hale Berry as the mother, that lost a member, but gained a friend, I read about the movie somewhere so I decided to watch it, it wasn't a masterpeice but it wasn't bad either, it was somewhere in between I'd say watch it, it was good, but a bit soacked up in drama, if you're up to it :)

Hotel Chevalier
I've never heard of this movie before, and it's a Natalie Portman movie which make it even weird-er not knowing about, ..anyways, it's a short movie, about 15 mins or less, I watched it based on a recommendation by a friend,

the whole movie takes place in a French hotel room, there's the ex-girlfriend and there's also the ex-boyfriend, whom suposedly was avoidng or rather fleeing this ex, umm .. the conversations were interesting, the song played in the movie was ..memorable :) everything seemed beautifuly placed, but you'll have to fill in the missing peices 'cause the movie doesn't give much

the over all is, it was good, you might ..hate it, but I'd still recommend it to people with artistic, ..Frenchy tastes maybe?

Il Y A Longtemps Que Je T'Aime
translation to that is, I've love'd you so long, I read about el movie at one of the blogs I stalk, so I thought it's French ..and it's drama, it's a combination that usually result into something good,

am not about to tell the story of the movie, I don't think telling the plot's a good idea you have to watch the movie, and don't try read anything of IMDB, trust me just don't :)

La Flor de Mi Secreto
ok it means, the flower of my secret, it's Spanish, and it's a 1995 production, it feels and tastes ventage, although it's not that old but it's ..I dunno, I've to mention that am completely in love with the director Pedro Almodovar, don't ask I just hove him! ..anyways,

the movie is about this lady writer who writes love novels under the name: Amanda Gris, she's married, but not that married, her husband is some sort of a solider, and was sent to Bosnia, due to the war ..and they're having troubles with their marrige, but she's being a woman, and just trying, and trying, ..and trying!

I'm pretty sure you won't like it, it's a movie about women, the difficult ones, ..I just had to write about it, cause I watched it a couple of days ago, thinking about it it wasn't bad at all, but it's the kind that am not recommending, however, am planing to watch it again :)